Detail Works, our social enterprise that teaches youth the soft skills they need to thrive in the workplace, was on CBS Mornings, the national award-winning news broadcast! In October of 2021,......
We recently sat down with Ariel, one of the youth staff member. Here is Ariel’s story: “I came from family that wasn’t exactly the smartest or the nicest. No matter......
Eva Sollberger, the video maven behind Seven Days’ Stuck in Vermont series, stopped by our shop to interview Jasmin, our first full-time detailer. Watch the video below:...
Detail Works is moving to 22 Avenue C in Williston, VT (effective today, January 4th). Our youth staff has been able to increase our volume, and thanks to customers like you, we are quickly outgrowing our space for car detailing....
Governor Scott, addressing the young people working at Detail Works, said, “What a lot of energy you have. I couldn’t be more proud of everything that you’ve accomplished thus far. So, congratulations to you.”...